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  • Varalakshmi Fasting

    Varalakshmi fasting is for the husband to live a long life, Sumangali women observe this fast in order to give birth to children and to...

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  • Adippuram

    The festival of Adippuram is celebrated in the month of Adi when the Purana star is at its peak. This is the feast of the...

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  • Navratri Fasting

    Navratri fasting is one of the fasts that invokes power. Navratri fasting is celebrated as a fast honoring the power that is the primordial energy...

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“ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet  dolore laudantium totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab   consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla convallis egestas rhoncus. ”

Mark Adair

“ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet  dolore laudantium totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab   consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla convallis egestas rhoncus. ”

Boyd Rankin