Navratri fasting is one of the fasts that invokes power. Navratri fasting is celebrated as a fast honoring the power that is the primordial energy of man.
Fasting Period
Navratri fasting is a fast observed during the month of Purattadi during which the Sun travels in the Virgo zodiac in honor of the Goddess Shakti. This is the Datsanayana period. This is the Iraqi time for the gods. Vasantha Navratri in Uttarayana and Sharda Navratri in Datsanayana are the best times to worship the Goddess. In both of these, Sharda Navratri, which is observed in the month of Purattadi, is observed as Navratri fasting. Causation states that Navratri prayers should begin in the month of Purattadi, beginning on the pre-prime day of the new moon, and end on Navami. Therefore, the fast (fasting) that is observed for nine days from Waxing Prime to Navami in the month of Purattadi is Sharda Navratri fasting.
Mythical belief
At the end of the Maha Sankara (catastrophic) period, the power of will appeared when the Lord wanted to create the world, and the power of wisdom appeared when He knew how it came to be; The Navratri festival explains the idea that God created the world by the power of action. (Desire = desire, wisdom = knowledge, Kriya
= Making, making)
The first three days of Navratri are the reigns of Durga, the origin of Icha Shakti. In this the Lord wants the world to live.
The three days in the middle are the reigns of Ilkumi, the originator of enlightenment. In this the Lord knows the method of giving His, Karana, Bhuvana Pokang to the souls.
The last three days were the reign of Saraswati, the originator of Kriya Shakti. In this the implication of Sivagama is that the Lord bestows grace as known before.